Author: ckarolina

Elmont Grupa – Farmy Fotowoltaiczne
Photovoltaic farms

1MW photovoltaic farm

In the south of Poland, Elektromontaż Wschód has built a 1MW photovoltaic power plant. The power plant was included in the auction system. The construction was carried

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Elmont Grupa – Farmy Wiatrowe
Photovoltaic farms

4 MW of new power from the sun

Elektromontaż made connections for the construction of nearly 4 MW of new photovoltaic installations in Milejczyce and Lewkowo. The connections will power the Lewkowo 1 and

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Elmont Grupa – Infrastruktura Energetyczna
Energy infrastructure

New NS 15/15 Brańsk

Elektromontaż Wschód as a general contractor has built a new 15/15 kV Brańsk network switching station. The scope of work included: a MV switching station

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