The modernization and construction of new follow-up compensation units in 110 / 15kV stations have been completed. Elektromontaż Wschód was responsible for construction and detailed designs, as well as modernization and construction of new turnkey follow-up compensation units along with the modernization of MV bays at the Czyżew and Ciechanowice stations. In Czyżewo, two stations and bays in the 15 kV switching station were rebuilt. In Ciechanowiec, one auxiliary field and the extension of the station’s telemechanics system were completed with telemetry tests of all 110 kV and 15 kV bays.

Energy infrastructure
110/15 kV GPZ Piątek
Alongside investments in renewable energy sources, Elmont is carrying out strategic infrastructure projects for the Distribution System Operator (DSO).One of these projects is the construction