Elektromontaż Wschód is modernizing the 110 / 15kV GPZ Lewkowo substation. The works are being carried out on a working station. The expansion of the 110kV switchgear from the H1 system to the H4 system along with the installation of new follow-up compensation devices includes the:
- construction of TR2, TPW2 stations, modernization of TPW1,
- construction of teletechnical sewage system,
- construction of the HV bay no 4 of the TR2 transformer,
- modernization of HV bays no.1, 2, 3, 5,
- modernization of MV bays no.2, 11, 15, 16, 21,
- overvoltage of the MV Hajnówka line from bay 16 to bay 21,
- delivery and replacement of FS cable cabinets in the HV switching station,
- delivery and assembly of FR1, FR4, FR5 security cabinets,
- rebuilding of FR2, FR3 security cabinets,
- commissioning works and checking the operation of security of all switchgear bays,
- modernization of the telemechanics cabinet,
- modernization of the telemechanics system along with the delivery of materials and devices, works related to the configuration, start-up and checking for the central dispatching supervision system BTC PRINS,
- installation of the differential protection and concurrency of the distance protection at Hajnówka and Michałowo stations,
- rebuilding of the FQ energy measurement cabinet,
- execution of systems as well as delivery and assembly of Technical Equipment Standard and the Technical Protection System cabinets,
- replacement of external lighting lamps,
- construction of an internal road and rainwater drainage.